Music therapy is the use of music to address the physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of a group or individual. It employs a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery. Music therapy is appropriate for people of all ages, and everyone can participate in music therapy sessions; clients do not need to have any previous musical training or experience.
Music therapy touches all aspects of the mind, body, brain and behaviour. Music can provide a distraction for the mind, it can slow the rhythms of the body, and it can alter our mood, which in turn can influence behaviour.
Music therapy sessions can encourage expression and communication through actively making music together, singing, listening to songs and responding to changes in sounds, using a range of accessible percussion instruments and IT equipment.
Music therapists use the power of music to encourage clients to open up and communicate on multiple levels. They can work with people suffering from emotional health issues such as grief, anxiety, and depression, developing a therapeutic relationship where thoughts and feelings can be communicated in a safe and supported environment.
Neurologic Music Therapy (NMT) is the therapeutic use of music applied to sensory, speech and language, cognitive, and motor dysfunctions after a neurologic event or diagnosis. The therapy is based on neuroscience research on how music is processed and perceived in the brain, and how we can use that as a tool in neurorehabilitation to improve non-musical goals.
Treatment techniques in NMT are based on scientific research and are directed towards functional therapeutic goals. Treatment techniques are standardised and applied to therapy as Therapeutic Music Interventions, which are adaptable to the patient’s needs. In addition to music therapy training, Neurologic Music Therapists are educated in the areas of neuroanatomy, physiology, brain pathologies, medical terminology, and rehabilitation of cognitive and motor functions.